" 2 days 2 concerts
Hi! Its been 2 day and 2 concert that have been so amazing! But back to life. My life. Where i no longer go to school. So reality hit me. Whats gonna be my next move? Should i search for a job or what? I just talk to my brother who know alot about jobs. So I took some of hes edvice. Tomarrow am going to arbetförmedligen. You swedis, know what that is, but for my russia friend, is where you search for jobs and they help you.
Some get a chock that i dropt out of school and some dont even support but that okey. Im gonna get closer to God. I now have alot of time to focuse on my relationship whit God.
oh i got a quetion from a girl. She askt why i started to blog. Its for the reoson like this. So when i grow, i will be able to read how it was and i this blog has a also a perpes. So people will get to know who jesus is.
My first blogpost i wrote why my blogs name is seawater. Our lifes is like the seawater. Sea water have streamse, and i relate that to my life. On this blog am writing which stream am taking and changing. I dont even know if that make any sense, but i hope you understood. :)
I trust you Jesus!
