Hi! I have 1 reader today lol! But am happy that someone is reading, even though its just one person. 
You should see the weather here in sweden, is so beautiful and super snowy, the trains are bearlly working and the busses are late. But i lo0ve winter. This hole day everybody complains about the snow but i only see the cozyness in it. I mean, you stand and wait for the buss 2 hours then come home, make you some warm chocolate and thinking about how you wore standing in the cole and freezing you butt of. 
Right now we are sitting in the kitchen, its me, victoria and elina. Elina ( my cousing) is skyping whit her mother, Me- writing a post, sister victoria- sitting whit 2 cutie bear. Cozy! 
I was suppost to shopping for christmas presents but, becouse of the weather change of plans. But still, i will need to take public transport to get to church! 
Hope you have a good day, that 1 person who is reading my blog! LOVE.


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