Forgivness is a very importent thing in life. Its you! Forginess is in every step in your life. It comes whit you friends, whit family, whit your job, whit school pretty much in every thing you do. Can you mention in what it doesent come whit? I cant!!! It can be hard to forgive friends , family sometimes, but its harder to forgive youre self. Ive been trough i alot of bad misstakes and choices. Its 1 here in sweden. So is night! And im not sleeping and am sitting and writting about forgivness. But i just felt like writting about forgivness. The past days i have had a time forgiving my self. Why do I first do the misstake and then realize how amazing jesus are. You know what. When I say Im christian a lot of people jumps on me. - So you are following all the rules in bibel. The thing is, People and my self likes to make the rules in our lifes. God says dont murder? Its for us, Hes just saying wouldint it be a better world whit out murdering. Okey back to forgivness.
Im a super easy person when it comes to forgive other people. But my self!! not so easy. I blame my self. What i want to come whit this post it that i have had i hard time to forgive my self. And it only know that i understand that its only when you come to jesus that you can forgive youre self. This post is so messy. But Jesus is my king. He is truly my best friend in every situation. He is my savior.
I love the story about foot prints in the sand. If you havent reed it read it now. That truly how Amzing and kind God is!!
