Its amazing to hang out in church to hear other peoples stories and share whit mine. Today was an a amzing café night, we had yumminess and coffe, heard some poetry, becouse the theme was poetry and we talkt whit 2 amazing girls, that trully lives for Jesus. But it haven´ allways been that way they said. Before they had a lot of things going on in there lives and that was inspirationall, how they meat jesus and how God change there lifes.,....
Anywaise you shoud totally check it out or come on fridays. I will be there and if you come, come talkt to me:)
Götgatan 87 Södermalm, Stockholm |
Am exhausted, i just came home and it 00.40 so allmost 1 at night. So goodnight then. Bless you beautiful.

Instagram: Taisrose