Chanel Vitalumiére does miracles
The camera is not doing its job, ehh okey its iphone so i shouldin´t complain. But still. So i recently bought the chanel vitalumiére fondation and it so amazing. Its working for me and i have combination skin/ oily. I love that it feels like i dont have anything on my skin. Am not a big fan of fondations, all because i have feelt like it was not my skin. If you know what i mean. This feels like your skin is smooth and flawless. But i don´t have any problems whit acne, just pors on the nose and some pimpals, so it covers all of it. I love it and i just wanted to share whit you. And for the record. This is my first chanel product. Its so expensive. Dont you think? But i wanted i good quality fondation.
Good night shining stars!

thi is not before and after. Just 2 pictures on me.and i have the fondation on.
Haft en fin helg? :)
Postat av: ▲L I N N
Kul med en bra fondation :)