Cozy autumn
Snapppppp! Here I am again. I was suppost to go to a meeting but I realized that i had lost my bag on the train whit all of my cards, my train ticket. Typicall me thing. So i went home again........
Jag har märkt att det är så mycket roligare att skriva på engelska.
Tomarrow is saturday. My favorite day of the week!!! wooooooo. Not for the reason that you could it candy but for the fact that i dont have school. But i will still do some papperwork tomarrow. I have so much homework to do. I was at a coference 4 days and i missed so much in school. So no saturday joy for me. Am gonna look on the bright side. I have only one year left and then may be, only maybe i will go to Usa and work as a aupair, am still thinking about it.
Its autumn. I love autum. I love the cozy scarves and the orange leafs and all about autumn makes me think of cozyness. it´s also getting cold out side. But that makes me even happier. It means that the winter is around the corner. And i love winter. weardoooooo!! I know.
Goodnight then shining stars!

Also i have been drinking a lot of green thé :)
Postat av: Nicole
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Postat av: Lina
Håller med! Efter att jag bodde i Afrika så skrev jag på engelska i säkert ett halvår frammåt. Mycket lättare att formulera sig!
Postat av: Hagar
Jättefin blogg! ^^
Postat av: Annika
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