Little about me
Hey shining stars!
So i haven´t really decided if im going to blog on english or on swedish. It would kind of be lika a english class if am going to write on english. You learn so much by just writing, on the way you´ll see the misstakes and learnd from them. May be it´s a good idee? me, blogging on english. I can guarantee you, that in the beginning, i will write as a 7 year old kid in USA!.
test post on english.
I have been sleeping so much the past couple of days. Dont do that. In the end of the day you feel like you havent done anything. I wanted to go to school this week but i feelt so tierd, thats not a exuse. but man... i just dont like going to school. But for the next week i will find rest och motivation and am aready findig it. Am I the only one that is so tirerd. I acually think its the weather. Boring stuff.
Okey. This is me!

Tais is my name! Most people that have the same name as me lives in brasil. I have check that out. But i live in cold sweden whit my 4 siblings and mommy and daddy. hahahha. I love haning out whit friend and family, being creative and enjoy life.
Love music. you now that quote. I cant be whitout music for one hole day. or something like that. THATS ME.
Food: ohhh dear!! were to start, I not even going to becues that will take months of writing to just name my favorite food. Okey. i love food.
Favorite movie and book: The Help. So amazing.
So now you know a little bit about me. more will come.
Have a good day
Postat av: SSOFIAS
Den var ju jättefin :) Kram