Hi! Today i will talk to my mom about droping out of school, and i know it sound pretty bad but its not. I will get my grades even though i drop out. I will not lose anything. But i still need my parents support!
Today i woke up with headache, but me and elina took a walk and now i feel good. So we make some noodels today and is so delicious, I can eat it every day. Its proboblly my chinese genes that speaks for that part.
Its only 8 int the afternoon but am in bed, just showered. But for a reason. I need to clean out some old songs and put in some new. In the next post i will put up some inspo!! Whieeee
" 2 days ago. In stockholm city, they had some christmas decoration up " love absolutlly everything that have to do with christmas
Good morning birdys I woke up and i didnt feel like going to school, today i want to focus on God. Its something that i need to do. I took this morning and just prayed and worshipt. I had this idea yesterday to make one post for every new morning, a inspiration word or quote that i will pray under the hole day. So now im getting exited for every new morning.
Now i need a cup of te whit lemon. My sister totally does the best te, whit lemon, but she ain´t here. So i guess i do it myself then :)
Gud jag tackar dig för din kärlek, för dina kramar när livet känns jobbigt. Du är min räddare jesus. Jag minns den dagen då vi var på väg till Kazakstan, Jag satt på flyg planer och i några minuter så blundade jag där var jag inför dig, likt ingen annat ljus, ljusen sken starkare än solen och jag minns den tryggheten jag kände.
Jag står mellan 2 svåra beslut och jag vet inte vad som är rätt. Men Gud jag vet att jag alltid finner tygghet hos dig. Hjälp mig helige ande att välja den väg som Gud planerat för mig! Förlåt mig Jesus för mina dåliga val, mina synder!!
There is no one like you. I will give you all my attencion, Forgive me if I have been far away from you. I Need You father. I cant do it alone.
Hi there! You beautiful! Its one of those amazing saturdays that even though you need to clean your room, it amaizng that the hole familly is home. I know it was thanksgiving 2 days ago, We dont have it here in sweden, but im just wanted to say that am so blessed and im so thankfull for what i have. My family couldt do it whitout God!
So as I said, we all ceaned our rooms. And im pretty much done. yeeeeaah! But i have some plans today. So in chuch we will have like a concert and there will be a choire and im in there so, today we are gonna practice. Also my super bestie have here birthday today so we are going to celebraite here. Girl happy birthday. You are amazing! love you.
I hope you all reallu enjoy this day. Dont look back only forward. keep you face always towards the sun and the shadow will fall behind you. And smile!!!
Its amazing to hang out in church to hear other peoples stories and share whit mine. Today was an a amzing café night, we had yumminess and coffe, heard some poetry, becouse the theme was poetry and we talkt whit 2 amazing girls, that trully lives for Jesus. But it haven´ allways been that way they said. Before they had a lot of things going on in there lives and that was inspirationall, how they meat jesus and how God change there lifes.,....
Anywaise you shoud totally check it out or come on fridays. I will be there and if you come, come talkt to me:)
Götgatan 87 Södermalm, Stockholm
Am exhausted, i just came home and it 00.40 so allmost 1 at night. So goodnight then. Bless you beautiful.
Hej hallå alla fina! Idag har jag tränat allt för mycket men också ätit allt för mycket. Det jag sa om choklad, det hände inte, och jag var så sugen på det så jag åt det idag. Men jag och min kusin har nu lagt upp en plan med utmanningar. Eftersom jag ätit mycket chocklad de senaste tiden så har jag också fått finnar och det är inte nyttigt samt att jag har svårt att tacka nej till choklad. Därför blir det en utmaning. Hon har andra utmaningar men jag måste fokusera på mina. Men jag satt igång med träningen. Super motiverad och jag vill må bra och det är genom träning, bra mat, och jul musik, hahah. Vilket jag har lyssnar på allt för mycket. Så det har varit allt för mycket av allt!!!
Sen har jag kikat på klänningar åter igen. Jag hittade nu en som jag verkligen gillade samt ett par skor från steve madden. Helt perfekta!! Men jag ska fundera lite mer på klänningen, för den är från Asos och jag har läst lite där några sagt att det vart lite problem och att tullen var dyr. Men den är super fin och sen är nya trenden det här mönstret som jag absolut älskar.
Jag ska städa lite i rummet och fräsha till mig och sen är det bedtime. Hoppas ni haft en bra dag! Love
I searchet for fitspo on tumblr and some of pictures is girls that are almost anorexia, how can that be fitspo? Crazy, A skinny body is not always a healthy or fit. I think you can see if somebody eats good and exercise. But thats not what i was suppose to write, I wanted to share some fitspo inspiration.
I rather be strong and fit than only super skinny!
So I went to the libery today, found a book, took a chai latte and went home. And This hole day i have, searched for dresses, listnening to christmas music and singing for my self, which is typicall thing for me to do when am alone !! HIHI! I have christmas fever. Im looking on cozy pictures. Christmas is my favorite holiday and am so looking forward, but I also look forward to new year eve. Thats when we are in a cozy cottage and having so much fun, everybody dresses up, we are eating the yummiest food, russian food :P and thats why i need to find a dress, I dont have any dresses, Heres the ones i maybe buy.
60 minutes to train didnt work out today, but i decited i would wake up at 7 tomarrow to hit the tim for 1,5 hour workout! Am super serous about gettin healthy and fit. Am going to fight for it. It was my first day eating heathy and am allready going all crazy for sugar. That must mean something! Its only been 1 day. Woow. Besides have you heard about Acai. I went to a health store where they sold it and the man in the store told me all about it. So am going to try buy it this month!
Its my first day on my life challenge. That may seem super lame for some, becouse it is a challenge that people do in life but that i havent leard yet. 20 day going to school whitout skipping one class and eat healthy and train. So my first 1 on this challenge is over. And I did acually eat choklad but its not gonna happent for 20 day from now. I feel like i really need a challenge. For my future life and so on,
One ecited thing, on friday am going to a thing where they, make your make up, hair and then shoot you, hahah that kind of sounded fun, no but make some pictures. Am going there whit 4 of my friends so it going to be a lot of fun.
Hey girl Hey I was saying that the hole day yesterday or me and my friend. I had a awesome day, Hanging out whit a friend in the city and just be crazy. Sometimes its fun to loosen up a little bit and not thing what other people will think, right? And I was in church to, every friday we have meeting whit all youhts in church and our pastors are preaching. This time it was right to me. He talkt about what we are ment to do whit our lifes. How crazy is´nt that? you can go do 2 post in the arcive and i wrote that I didt know what to do! And there he was saying things that gave me alot of awsers!
Today i feel inspiried and amazed with my life. I have some much and im really greatfull.!
I ate macdonald yesterday !! Hahha what happend whit me getting healthy! I just throw it in the wall, hhaha. No. I read this quote There are 1440 minutes in a day. Use 60 of them to workout! So am going to start whit that! Im gonna take babystep! Not as i planed. But I thing that I will eventually get results and change something something.!!
It's was so cozy and amazing today at the church. My leader is kind, amazing and just the an a amazing leader! Today she preached about us beeing heros and how we need to protect territory! And she just always makes the best yummyness!!
I'm super tierd but here is the yummyness
The feeling when you feel like your life is boring and those questions, what am meant to do in this big world. Meaning what are we are suppost to do. Work, eat? is that it? And which way to go? II just dont know and I have lost the inspiration of life,Im just gonna ask God and trust him.
Gooodmorning! I just came from school and im just greatfull for the people in my school! They just pep me up, motivated me to be there and they are super amazing people. I feel so good today!
I went trough some photos from kazakstan when we where hiking! We had super fun there and the nature where breath taking and when we saw the waterfall, girlllll, no words! Here is 2 photos, not from hiking but close to
where our tents where. Everyday some horses came by and you could pat them! And my sisters that love horses was so excited every time they came :) It was something special.
I have serouslly hawaii fever! I dont even know why I want to go there so much! Ofcouse hawaii have amazing beaches and the nature is amazing but it not for that reason that I want to go there! I dont quite know!
This day turned not as planed! We didnt go anywere, we wore so tierd so we stayed home! I have watched a movie and eating. Not much to say....... oh and also Me and mom talkt a little bit about new year eve. We are planing to rent a house and selebrate with a lot of friend, We lookt up some houses and there are some few options. I realy want i cozy house! So we could have a cozy, fun, and amzing time there.. I now there are for sure nothing to say
This picuter is from when we where in kazakstan! In the mountans. I need to post some picture. I have alot of amazing pictures from there!
gooooooodddd morning!!! Im littlerlly watching the video down delow over and over again! I just really want to go to hawaii!
Its a super sunny day today and i have no school! Im eating breakfeast, some outmeal and te! I allways eat breakfeat, a good start of a day. even if its a apple it still gives you so much energi! we are planing to go for some window shopping today and maybe buy some chai latte is so delisious. if you havent tried it you serrouslly need to. I dont know if they have it in other countrys but they have it in india and sweden so if you are there try it :))) So good!
Hi fishes! I I have had a day that change me! I cant go in to the details but i can say. thank you God. IF you change, everything changes! I went to school and after i have just chilling at home. I know i chill alot. but thats gonna change soon.
And big news! My cousin is staying another 3 months! Its so amazing, to have her here!
Somehow i need to get the energy and go to the gym or study! or just do something! I hope you all have had a good day! If not, comment and i will cheer you up!
I really want to travel to hawaii! How amazing wouldint that be! If i get a job or get the job that I allready applied to then my goal is going to be to go to hawaii on the summer for 5 week maybe or so! I hope i get job! Praying!
I just wachet the movie she´s the man ! So freaking funny!!! This day have been so good! And now i will dream away by looking at pictures! I really want to learn surfing!!!
All pictures from this blog: Here - she live in hawaii!!
Godmorning fishies!!! Its saturday today and that feels really good. Toody i will read book, drink té and read some more oh and make some sushie. Have a good day ya´ll
Forgivness is a very importent thing in life. Its you! Forginess is in every step in your life. It comes whit you friends, whit family, whit your job, whit school pretty much in every thing you do. Can you mention in what it doesent come whit? I cant!!! It can be hard to forgive friends , family sometimes, but its harder to forgive youre self. Ive been trough i alot of bad misstakes and choices. Its 1 here in sweden. So is night! And im not sleeping and am sitting and writting about forgivness. But i just felt like writting about forgivness. The past days i have had a time forgiving my self. Why do I first do the misstake and then realize how amazing jesus are. You know what. When I say Im christian a lot of people jumps on me. - So you are following all the rules in bibel. The thing is, People and my self likes to make the rules in our lifes. God says dont murder? Its for us, Hes just saying wouldint it be a better world whit out murdering. Okey back to forgivness.
Im a super easy person when it comes to forgive other people. But my self!! not so easy. I blame my self. What i want to come whit this post it that i have had i hard time to forgive my self. And it only know that i understand that its only when you come to jesus that you can forgive youre self. This post is so messy. But Jesus is my king. He is truly my best friend in every situation. He is my savior.
I love the story about foot prints in the sand. If you havent reed it read it now. That truly how Amzing and kind God is!!
Heyy! In The morning my mom gave me a book that she said I needed to read in 4 days! It's a book written by our pastors daughter who is now in heaven. And I wanted to share whit you that I'm reading this because I feel that this book will change a lot and I wanted to write it here on the blog what I felt after reading this book !! Let start
I haven't done anything to day! Me and my cousin wore literally just drinking te all day Hahhaha !! And for the first time in a long time I got to the gym!!
Otherwise I have been home and chilling !!
I just wrote a blog post but it suddely just delited. But ok. I will make another :) So Hi! I have had an amazing break even tough i dont feel rested i have had so much fun going to birtday, to cofeshops, shopping and just hanging out with friends. Thats why i have been taking a little break from this blog. This break ended today. Tomarrow i will need to study alot. And tommarow is also a day that we will know if we are going to move or not.
Im on both sides. I want to move but then i dont want to. But i know my parent will make the best dicision and im kind of checking out some bedroom picuters... just in case, you know!! no but i really enjoy looking after inspiration and just get inspierd.
I have been busy shopping whit my cousin this hole day! And I bouth a bag that I absolutely love!! Having a cousin all the time at home is like having a friend all day long ! I hope she stays here in Sweden even tough it cold here! I'm all ready using my winter jacket so that's how cold it is here! And after 5 it super dark so we all feel like tierd!!