loving school
Its amazing to feel that you finally taking controll of school. It was since 6th grade that i had loving school and again today I feel like i do. The saddest thing is that it my last year. But there ain´t no tears hear. It will rather feel great.
Ye it feels like its been a while since i wrote a post but i have been studig y´all. So thats a pretty god reason. Tommarow i will take a step to a healty lifestyle. Im tierd of eating crap food. so yeahhh.
My day today:
Woke up 7. studyied.
8.10- went to school
11.00 came home. was lazy
and the rest of the day i´ve been cooking
19.00 went on a night walk with cousin.
Pretty chill day. Am ending my day whit a shower and some bed reading - jesus calling- its an amazing book.
This is my naturall make up. Not to much but still enough.

So tierd! I just came home from school. I super fun thing happend. Some girl from my class talk about matt corby and i overheard theme. And he is coming to stockholm. Who knew? Not me. So we are going to his consert.Amazing. But focus on studys. I really need to study today for the test tomarrow. So am thinking about o take a nap and the study. Becouse am so tierd.
I have a fun life woooooohooooo!!!
I really want to travel!!


Hey beautys! Its so cold outside.I woke up and i went on a walk and it was so cold but i love it. Its a new day and i not looking back. I decided that im going to buy a charger for my nikon d60. I miss takin photos. What. My family says i should do something whit photographi but i have always said that i dont like taking photos. But am starting realize that i love taking photos and capture moments. So today i will talk to my mother and ask her if i can order a charcer. So i hope to have it soon so i can take photos

My room
Hey stars and future me! Even though i have done some pretty bad things today i will forgive my self and forget. Its a new life that im starting, a new start. I know that trough all this and my whole trip is going to be hard I know jesus will help me. I can tell what it is but i ending it now. Hey new me.
Tomarrow i will go on fast. Our whole youth group in church will go on a fast every wednesday. Today i will set the alarm to 7.30 so i can take a walk before school starts. My gole is to get healthy becouse thats really important. So am going to bed kind of early today. Goodnight.
This is my room!

Future me
,Goodmorning! I had 3 alarms and i did´t wake up. But I still got there in time. ohhhhh, why cant i just be perfect. I do so many misstakes, and usually its the same misstake. Am trying but then again i do it. This temptation- am going to get rid of it. I did it and know i wanna cry. Dear my future me. Am happy you got trough it!!!!!!!!!!!
Okey. So today I need to focus on på homework. Lets do it!!!

The här är lite skämigt för mig. Men jag vill verkligen göra det här just för att sedan kolla tillbaka och se på videon. FUn.
Hey shining stars! I acually thing that its going to be my new hi to you! Because you are all beautiful like stars. You know! i really think beauty comes from inside. I have seen it and i truly belive that it is like that. We are perfect. No seriouslly. Everybody is beautiful. If you dont feel like that. Stop it. Just STOP. Its a feeling you can get rid of!! Beauty is kindness, beauty is happiness, beauty is humbleness. beauty is you.
The past 2 days i have got so much strenght trough God. Today was a easy day. I had school to 2 and after i have been chilling whit my cousin. But in school i talk to my counselor becouse I have missed so much she said i should okej nej jag måste ta det på svenska. Hon sa att jag kankse borde hoppa av skolan. Hon hade absolut ingen tro på mig. En studievägledare som säger att man ska hoppa av skolan. Om jag nu hoppar av så är det kört för min framtid. Är det studievägledning? Jag behöver verkligen någon som tror på mig i skolan, men det värkar inte finnas någon. Men jag ska göra det, Jag ska klara det!!!! Det sänkte mig lite, men jag vet att det kommer att finnas det som inte finner hopp. Men jag vill vara en sån som finner hopp i allt. För Gud är med mig. Godnatt alla.

Godmorning stars!!! Happy moment here. I can blog!!! woooo:))) But a very short post becouse i have to leave for school in 5 minutes. So i woke up today and i decided to be in a happy mood. And am going to stay posetive this whole day. And thats what i wanted to share. There is always 2 chooses!!
I hope u all have the greatest day today. Even if you having it hard in life. Decide that today your gonna rock!!

Thats my cute cat kiwi
happy days
I can´t sleep. So am just going trough some pictures on my laptop and i found this. Its from the spain trip whit my family. I wanna go back and swim and look at the fishes under me and the weather was quite amazing!!!! Happy memories.

Chanel Vitalumiére does miracles
The camera is not doing its job, ehh okey its iphone so i shouldin´t complain. But still. So i recently bought the chanel vitalumiére fondation and it so amazing. Its working for me and i have combination skin/ oily. I love that it feels like i dont have anything on my skin. Am not a big fan of fondations, all because i have feelt like it was not my skin. If you know what i mean. This feels like your skin is smooth and flawless. But i don´t have any problems whit acne, just pors on the nose and some pimpals, so it covers all of it. I love it and i just wanted to share whit you. And for the record. This is my first chanel product. Its so expensive. Dont you think? But i wanted i good quality fondation.
Good night shining stars!

thi is not before and after. Just 2 pictures on me.and i have the fondation on.
Giving up
Sorry for the lack of post today but i have been hanging out whit family the whole day and it´s not often that we all gather together and watch a movie or do something together. Even though we all love to do that we all have so many things in our minds and lifes. School, work, aktivities and we can´t forget to be whit our friends. So the day is now or soon over and am so thankful for my family and my life.
oh and school news. I Am totally giving up on it. I feel so behind and i dont know what to do, meaning that.. i dont know what to read or what my homework are. Can you image that..... am just lost. or tierd or not motivated. But i know that i can esaly motivate my self whit pictures and quots. I think you diced you feelings.not always but in my situation.

Dreaming but only dreaming

I truly need a new camera. I have a nikon d60 witch my battery charcher is gone. So no camera. And am starting to find shooting enjoyable. I dont have a camera. So what am going to do is to save money or ask my parent for a early chrismas present hahahah :) Dreaming
Cozy autumn
Snapppppp! Here I am again. I was suppost to go to a meeting but I realized that i had lost my bag on the train whit all of my cards, my train ticket. Typicall me thing. So i went home again........
Jag har märkt att det är så mycket roligare att skriva på engelska.
Tomarrow is saturday. My favorite day of the week!!! wooooooo. Not for the reason that you could it candy but for the fact that i dont have school. But i will still do some papperwork tomarrow. I have so much homework to do. I was at a coference 4 days and i missed so much in school. So no saturday joy for me. Am gonna look on the bright side. I have only one year left and then may be, only maybe i will go to Usa and work as a aupair, am still thinking about it.
Its autumn. I love autum. I love the cozy scarves and the orange leafs and all about autumn makes me think of cozyness. it´s also getting cold out side. But that makes me even happier. It means that the winter is around the corner. And i love winter. weardoooooo!! I know.
Goodnight then shining stars!

Also i have been drinking a lot of green thé :)
Little about me
Hey shining stars!
So i haven´t really decided if im going to blog on english or on swedish. It would kind of be lika a english class if am going to write on english. You learn so much by just writing, on the way you´ll see the misstakes and learnd from them. May be it´s a good idee? me, blogging on english. I can guarantee you, that in the beginning, i will write as a 7 year old kid in USA!.
test post on english.
I have been sleeping so much the past couple of days. Dont do that. In the end of the day you feel like you havent done anything. I wanted to go to school this week but i feelt so tierd, thats not a exuse. but man... i just dont like going to school. But for the next week i will find rest och motivation and am aready findig it. Am I the only one that is so tirerd. I acually think its the weather. Boring stuff.
Okey. This is me!

Tais is my name! Most people that have the same name as me lives in brasil. I have check that out. But i live in cold sweden whit my 4 siblings and mommy and daddy. hahahha. I love haning out whit friend and family, being creative and enjoy life.
Love music. you now that quote. I cant be whitout music for one hole day. or something like that. THATS ME.
Food: ohhh dear!! were to start, I not even going to becues that will take months of writing to just name my favorite food. Okey. i love food.
Favorite movie and book: The Help. So amazing.
So now you know a little bit about me. more will come.
Have a good day
Say hey to seawater
Hej Sjärnor! Välkommna till min blogg. The story behind seawater är att havet går i strömmar med det realterar jag mitt liv och mina val. Det här bloggen kommer du läsa mycket om min vardag, mitt liv, mina beslut, "happy moments"
Jag hoppas att inpirera andra och bara var en blogg man blir glad av att läsa!