
Today went so much better than I though. The job was fun, am super tired though, but itwas still super fun. We went to a park, then ate and I read a book to the kids. It all went good. 
Surprisingly after I came home i had the energie to go to the gym and here i am sitting in the livingroom right to the christmas tree. I love having a christmas tree and whit present under it. And its not the fact that its for us, that i love having presents but for the reason that I feel its almost chrismtas. The most important celebration. at least for me it is. but then ofcourse it nice to get presents. 
 my batteri is slowly dieing. my eyes are closing them self. So am out people- And this post is  a mess. I know.....
i love that my eyes are so light in this picture

This is me

I love my parents so much! Positive and love is 2 word that discribe a little bit aboutthem. They are a inspiration. How they reach out to God in all situation trully inspire me. 


HI THERE!  I just came home from present searching . We found some things, But mostlly we found some thing for us. hahah. Its hard not to look at the clothes in the stores. Anyways, we didnt get anything. Becouse neether of us had any money. Or we had 50 kr. which got us some coffee and choclate and thats it. So we went a 30 minute trip for some coffe  and choclate. But it was so good so it was worth is.
I will write some more later. Need to go to the store.!

Christmas tree.

The christmas tree is up and this is the bigges tree we ever had. But the best part is the smell when you come in to the living you and the hole room smells like christmas trees.
We had a the best day yesterday. We went christmas shopping. We bought some super fun things to our family. This christmas will be magical......
Yes. So yesterday i did a list on the things i will be doing. its a long list. but am going to try doing all of my plans. Starting the day whit God!
santa's little helper


Exodus 33:14
“My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
for all of you tierd people! Lean on God and he will give you rest. Are you the one that just said,psssst God!!! He will not give rest. There are no God. Im just want to inspirier you to not go to any church, or read bibel. But humble you infront of God, one prayer can change you life. 
Im growing in who I am. One day at a time, a get closer to God and am starting to know whats right and wrong. Am putting my life in God Hand.
Am going to sleep and hoping am getting a goodnight sleep cuz i didnt get i yesterday. 

" 2 days 2 concerts

Hi! Its been 2 day and 2 concert that have been so amazing! But back to life. My life. Where i no longer go to school. So reality hit me. Whats gonna be my next move? Should i search for a job or what? I just talk to my brother who know alot about jobs. So I took some of hes edvice. Tomarrow am going to arbetförmedligen. You swedis, know what that is, but for my russia friend, is where you search for jobs and they help you. 
Some get a chock that i dropt out of school and some dont even support but that okey. Im gonna get closer to God. I now have alot of time to focuse on my relationship whit God. 
oh i got a quetion from a girl. She askt why i started to blog. Its for the reoson like this. So when i grow, i will be able to read how it was and i this blog has a also a perpes. So people will get to know who jesus is. 
My first blogpost i wrote why my blogs name is seawater. Our lifes is like the seawater. Sea water have  streamse, and i relate that to my life. On this blog am writing which stream am taking and changing. I dont even know if that make any sense, but i hope you understood. :) 
I trust you Jesus!


Gooooood morning peps! Just showered, gonna paint my nail, put some pretty clothes, do my makeup and than we will go to chuch and rehearse. Show time!!!! Its a beautful day today. Hope all of you out there have a good day.
Here is some song for my christmas playlist


Those awkward moments we all have had when people come for dinner. But thats life. Sometimes we just click whit people and some time we dont. But anyways, am super tierd. We went to the city to go to chuch to meat up some awesome people and then we went to some store and got us some stuff. Had some people for dinner . And as allways am listening to christmas music. I had a good day today and i got some reactions on that am dropping of school but then again there was to many good things that happen. So i dont even care. 
Tomarrow is the concert in our chuch. We are in the choir so i need decide what to wear. But you all should come.


Götgatan 87, Stockholm



good night! LOTS OF LOVE!


3 post today, that must be kind of a record for me!! So we went to some friends where my cousin is teaching there son to play piano and the plan was to get to chuch after that. But that was an a unreal plan. In the city, its chaos, so much snow and everybody want to get home. It takes 3 hours to get to a place. Its just a big mess! I trully feeling the pain that people must have after standing in the cold for hours just waiting for the bus or train. 
But am home. ate some sallad whit chicken and mozzarella. Drank some coffe. And its all good. Tomarow i will be going to the school and sign of me from there. But for now i will be sitting on the compuren searhing for present to the fam !!


Hi! I have 1 reader today lol! But am happy that someone is reading, even though its just one person. 
You should see the weather here in sweden, is so beautiful and super snowy, the trains are bearlly working and the busses are late. But i lo0ve winter. This hole day everybody complains about the snow but i only see the cozyness in it. I mean, you stand and wait for the buss 2 hours then come home, make you some warm chocolate and thinking about how you wore standing in the cole and freezing you butt of. 
Right now we are sitting in the kitchen, its me, victoria and elina. Elina ( my cousing) is skyping whit her mother, Me- writing a post, sister victoria- sitting whit 2 cutie bear. Cozy! 
I was suppost to shopping for christmas presents but, becouse of the weather change of plans. But still, i will need to take public transport to get to church! 
Hope you have a good day, that 1 person who is reading my blog! LOVE.

Some old

Hi! Its wednesday. 20 day and its christmas. So today we are going for some christmas shopping for our parents. We have no ideé on what to get them.
After am going to chuch for some practice and rehearsal. If tou allread dont know i sing in the choire.Is so much fun :) I hope you all have a good day. 
Here is 2 pictures from last winter. A beauty isnt she

drop out

Godmorgon till dig bakom antigen datorn eller mobilen eller  vilket som helst sätt på nutidens teknologi. 
Ingen skola, och det kommer inte bli någon skola på ett bra tag nu. För jag hoppar av skolan. Ja det var det som var det svåra beslutet jag skulle ta. För i vilket fall som helst så är skola en stor del av ens liv. Det var inte ett beslut jag bara tog enkelt så där men, men efter encoundern var nästan säker på att det var rätt.... Så ska jag bara låta Gud leda mig.
Allt är täckt av vit, fluffig snö. Och jag har väntar och nu är den här. Trots att det blir mörkt redan vid 4 tiden så är allting ljusare. Vi jul pyntade lite igår eller mamma gjorde det, för jag lysnade på hur systrarna spelade sina låtar till mig. Men det vart jätte fint och idag ska jag försöka vara kreativ och göra något i mitt rum.
Nu blir det Jul Music. and you know its ma favorite.!! 


Hi there! So today I will be going on a encounter in church becouse i need healing and God.
What i expect from this encounder?
To be free from some things 
to get a anwser from God
Be in Gods presens.
To get my life strated!
I belive that God will make this happen. I want this encounder to be a start of something new. Something i will not forget. 
Im just trusting God on this! 

I love the way you love me

And even if i have some much bad in my past he will love you love unconditional. Today i will make a change in me! I will be diffrente you will see!! 

Those saturdays

Hi there! You beautiful! Its one of those amazing saturdays that even though you need to clean your room, it amaizng that the hole familly is home. I know it was thanksgiving 2 days ago, We dont have it here in sweden, but im  just wanted to say that am so blessed and im so thankfull for what i have. My family couldt do it whitout God! 
So as I said, we all ceaned our rooms. And im pretty much done. yeeeeaah! But i have some plans today. So in chuch we will have like a concert and there will be a choire and im in there so, today we are gonna practice. Also my super bestie have here birthday today so we are going to celebraite here. Girl happy birthday. You are amazing! love you.
I hope you all reallu enjoy this day. Dont look back only forward. keep you face always towards the sun and the shadow will fall behind you. And smile!!! 


Its amazing to hang out in church to hear other peoples stories and share whit mine. Today was an a amzing café night, we had yumminess and coffe, heard some poetry, becouse the theme was poetry and we talkt whit 2 amazing girls, that trully lives for Jesus. But it haven´ allways been that way they said. Before they had a lot of things going on in there lives and that was inspirationall, how they meat jesus and how God change there lifes.,....
Anywaise you shoud totally check it out or come on fridays. I will be there and if you come, come talkt to me:) 

Götgatan 87  Södermalm, Stockholm
Am exhausted, i just came home and it 00.40 so allmost 1 at night. So goodnight then. Bless you beautiful.
Instagram: Taisrose


Hej hallå alla fina! Idag har jag tränat allt för mycket men också ätit allt för mycket. Det jag sa om choklad, det hände inte, och jag var så sugen på det så jag åt det idag. Men jag och min kusin har nu lagt upp en plan med utmanningar. Eftersom jag ätit mycket chocklad de senaste tiden så har jag också fått finnar och det är inte nyttigt samt att jag har svårt att tacka nej till choklad. Därför blir det en utmaning. Hon har andra utmaningar men jag måste fokusera på mina. Men jag satt igång med träningen. Super motiverad och jag vill må bra och det är genom träning, bra mat, och jul musik, hahah. Vilket jag har lyssnar på allt för mycket. Så det har varit allt för mycket av allt!!! 
Sen har jag kikat på klänningar åter igen. Jag hittade nu en som jag verkligen gillade samt ett par skor från steve madden. Helt perfekta!! Men jag ska fundera lite mer på klänningen, för den är från Asos och jag har läst lite där några sagt att det vart lite problem och att tullen var dyr. Men den är super fin och sen är nya trenden det här mönstret som jag absolut älskar. 
Jag ska städa lite i rummet och fräsha till mig och sen är det bedtime. Hoppas ni haft en bra dag! Love



My new facebook picture. Dont you guys thing my blog rocks, i iveen share if i change a facebook picture. Awesomness!!!

new year dresses

So I went to the libery today, found a book, took a chai latte and went home. And This hole day i have, searched for dresses, listnening to christmas music and singing for my self, which is typicall thing for me to do when am alone !! HIHI! I have christmas fever. Im looking on cozy pictures. Christmas is my favorite holiday and am so looking forward, but I also look forward to new year eve. Thats when we are in a cozy cottage and having so much fun, everybody dresses up, we are eating the yummiest food, russian food :P and thats why i need to find a dress, I dont have any dresses, Heres the ones i maybe buy. 

MY moto

60 minutes to train didnt work out today, but i decited i would wake up at 7 tomarrow to hit the tim for 1,5 hour workout! Am super serous about gettin healthy and fit. Am going to fight for it. It was my first day eating heathy and am allready going all crazy for sugar. That must mean something! Its only been 1 day. Woow. Besides have you heard about Acai. I went to a health store where they sold it and the man in the store told me all about it. So am going to try buy it this month! 
Its my first day on my life challenge. That may seem super lame for some, becouse it is a challenge that people do in life but that i havent leard yet. 20 day going to school whitout skipping one class and eat healthy and train. So my first 1 on this challenge is over. And I did acually eat choklad but its not gonna happent for 20 day from now. I feel like i really need a challenge. For my future life and so on, 
One ecited thing, on friday am going to a thing where they, make your make up, hair and then shoot you, hahah that kind of sounded fun, no but make some pictures. Am going there whit 4 of my friends so it going to be a lot of fun.
And im still dreaming of going to hawaii!!!

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